Introducing The Center for Cooperative Media

There are a ton of collaborations happening between smaller publishers at the moment. Two or three journalists don’t have the resources to tackle big topics, but they can when they work on stories together.

I find out about many of these stories from the “Center for Cooperative Media” based at Montclair State University in New Jersey. They have an excellent newsletter that covers projects such as Amazon Underworld.

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WordPress Dominates As Rival Publishing Platforms Struggle

In July, WordPress saw off a strong potential competitor when the Chorus CMS shut down.

In August, another competitor continues to quickly fade away. The Washington Post laid off more staff from its Arc XP platform:

Last year, the Post declined offers to sell Arc XP, the company’s in house publishing tool and software business, saying it would instead invest $50 million in the business in 2023. But on August 22, the paper told several top marketing staffers, program managers, and product designers at Arc XP that the Post would be eliminating their roles in the coming weeks.

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